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Egyptian Cure Bank targets the poorest villages in Gharbia Governorate

Dr. Ayman Fateh Al-Bab, Director of the Operation Department at the Egyptian Cure Bank Foundation, confirmed that the convoy of the Egyptian Cure Bank, which was launched on Sunday, 24/4/2016, came within the plan of managing the medical convoys of the Egyptian Cure Bank Foundation, which targets the poorest villages all over the Republic. The Egyptian Healing Bank team, after research and study, targeted Gharbia Governorate, the village of Bana Abu Sir - Samanoud Center, with ophthalmology convoys, after it was found that the people of the region needed ophthalmology convoys, where the Egyptian Cure Bank convoy set off to the village of Bana Abu Sir to conduct detection and dispense treatment free of charge to the targeted patients. Where the convoy was equipped with a family medicine unit, 545 cases of ophthalmology were examined, 450 medical glasses were provided, and 74 different ophthalmology operations were performed for patients whose condition required it. For his part, Dr. Ayman Fatah Al-Bab expressed that the governorate, which will be targeted during the coming period, Menoufia Governorate, which will be sent to the convoy on 4/5/2016 to treat unable patients, pointing out that all this effort is a result of the confidence of the donors of the Egyptian Cure Bank Foundation in the bank's policy and activities, which always aim to treat patients who are unable to provide a decent life for them.