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The comprehensive medical convoy from the Egyptian Cure Bank Hamouli village - Youssef Al-Siddiq Center in Fayoum Governorate

The comprehensive medical convoy in cooperation with the Egyptian Cure Bank with the Salah El-Din Association in Fayoum. Where the specializations of the convoy were in (internal medicine - children - bones - skin - ear, nose and throat) In the village of Al-Hamouli - Youssef Al-Siddiq Center in Fayoum Governorate. 1,000 cases were detected and 165 cases were referred that need rumors, analyzes and operations. Medicines were dispensed to needy cases. The role of Al-Shifa Bank was not limited to the work of the convoy or conducting the examination only, but the bank played the main role for it within the framework of awareness programs and reducing the spread of diseases, as it educated patients on how to reduce the spread of diseases with the need to follow proper and healthy habits.