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Egyptian Cure Bank intensive convoys to villages and popular areas. and surgeries (Akhbar Al-Youm)

Within the framework of the medical convoys program carried out by the Egyptian Cure Bank, where it aims to This program aims to provide medical care to patients who are unable to do so throughout the Republic, believing that patients who are unable to afford their treatment must be treated comprehensively and integrally so that they live a healthy and decent life. Therefore, Al-Shifa Bank provides an integrated system for the treatment of patients, starting from the medical examination, through the necessary analyzes, x-rays and operations if necessary, and ending with the treatment to be dispensed. The Egyptian Cure Bank, through the Exploration Department, explores the poorest areas within the Republic that lack health services, and then launches medical convoys to these areas after identifying the medical needs needed by these areas. The Egyptian Cure Bank Foundation contracts with doctors, analysis and radiology centers, and the bank chooses the places where the convoy takes place and organizes it to receive sick cases.